Northern Renaissance Art History, Regions, Style and Characteristics. The Northern Renaissance was a time of great intellectual and spiritual awakening. French, German and Netherlandish painters took leadership in the development of a new style of painting while retaining strong Gothic elements within their art-work.
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Women's Political Council, organization that was established for African American professional women in Montgomery, Alabama, U.S., and that became known for its role in initiating the Montgomery bus boycott (1955–56).
After World War I the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles which was mainly based on the idea that the Treaty would require the United States to join the League of Nations and may have resulted to a loss of the United States sovereignty. The treaty would also force the United States to get involved in issues that were of less relevance to the U.S. The League of Nations was created as a body to prevent future conflicts by establishing a body to settle disputes between nations and authorize action against the Nation that did not comply. Some Senate members wanted to change the Versailles Treaty, i.e., Henry Cabot Lodge but president Wilson dismissed and disliked his suggestions.
Athenian democracy was a system of government where all male citizens could attend and participate in the assembly which governed the city-state.