Hola tu respuesta es esta
pues por que introduccion es la parte donde redactamos al principio de que es lo que va a trtar nuestro tema en especifico, como. por ejemplo:
los mayas. INTRODUCCION: vamos hablar de la vida de los mayas, tradiciones, costumbres, etc, etc...
pues la conclusion no la conclusion es la que redactamos al final pues escribimos que se aprendio por ejemplo:
bueno yo creo que este tema nos sirvio a todos por que c/u aprendimos de su cultura, costumbres, etc...etc...
espero que te sirva
Doctor and laywers use technical language.
We need to understand all of these terms. Scientific English is the language used by people who are in some of the connections to science. This means that this language is full of terms for biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, engineering.
Technical language is a language for someone who is an engineer, technician, software developer, architect or someone who works with computers and mathematics. It has specialized content.
This language is used by people who have a certain knowledge level. Doctors and lawyers use technical language to each in his work to explain or discuss the results of their work or to explain the causes or to describe what is important in their work.
I was the new kid at school and so I had to adjust to the new place and to new people. I was friendly to everyone so I made friends and then I fit in with everyone else. But on my first day it was hard, I was shy and quite and no one really talked to me. It was weird.
Its really nice in my opinion and original.
Ronit said that the weather was pleasant that day.
Replace the comma after 'said' with 'that'
Remove the quotation marks.
Exclude how from the sentence
'Today' becomes 'that day' in indirect speech