It was a the turning point in the war.He had three main purposes: To bring the country (especially the North) together, when it was divided by different views of the war, to reiterate his view of the purpose of the United States and to provide a direction for the future 'soul' of the United State
Lincoln was trying to appeal to Southern voters by picking Andrew Johnson as his running mate. These two men were actually very different politically speaking. Lincoln was a Republican, Andrew Johnson was a Democrat. Lincoln was from the Midwest US, Andrew Johnson was from Tennessee.
Lincoln knew that having a Democratic Vice President who once represented a Confederate state (Tennessee) would allow his presidency to appeal to a wider range of voters.
The Civil War started because Abraham Lincoln was against slavery even though he had slaves and plus it also happened because of him signing the Ammendment of being against slavery even though he still had slaves.
Answer: is the season fall or winter??? i am so..confused.