As 1862 began, over a million men were massing for war. In a fierce struggle for Tennessee , the people of Clarksville on the Cumberland found themselves prisoners in their own homes. ... It is for a vast future also." Now in this, its second year, the war was becoming a struggle over the future of freedom.
Among the question given on the question the correct answers are given below.
1. Support the cause of democracy
2.Switch to manufacturing military goods
3.Work hard and fast
Explanation: The speech was given known as the "Arsenal of the democracy" which was given on December 29, 1940 by the US President Franklin Roosevelt. On his speech he tried to justify why United States should be helping their European Allies against the Axis power of Germany. He said that if the Axis power and Germany control the European and Asian countries eventually there would be a cold relation with Germany as the ideology of the USA and Germany were completely different.
Moreover, if Germany gain the control then US naval fleet in the Atlantic and Pacific would have a hostile rival.On the other hand,America never support the fascism of the Hitler.As a result, to save democracy America should give a hand to their European neighbors.
So, he appealed to American people to switch to manufacturing military goods which is helpful for the war.He also appealed them to work hard and fast.
But his most important appeal was to support the cause of democracy.
Republic bc people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
The contribution of Soviet soldiers and officers cannot be overestimated. The victory was achieved at the cost of millions of their lives. But the second front helped to speed up the victory over Germany, which in turn helped save the lives of many Soviet soldiers.