Answer: Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick had a ultimatum talk to House Speaker Joe Straus on Wednesday a so thing called a bathroom bill and also a property tax relief bill, pay it or end up having to spend your summer at the Capitol in a super special session!
President Woodrow Wilson
December 23, 1913
The correct answer is letter D
Julius Caesar came to power in Rome, directly or indirectly, sometimes. The last one was in 49 BC, after giving Pompey, once his ally, a coup, taking him out of power and triggering the hunt for the then former president who would result in a civil war.
The articulations even undermined the forces of the Senate and Caesar had, in practice, become a dictator. This whole situation that triggered a great revolt. In a protocol, almost theatrical, meeting in the Roman Senate, dozens of senators surrounded Caesar and annihilated him with knife blows.
Theres a link I left for you