The year 1851 saw the adoption of a new constitution in Ohio.The constitution gave voters the right to elect governors, other high ranking state officials and the judges, unlike before where the legistlature had the power to appoint judges and other government officials which gave it an almost complete control of the government. In addition the constitution provided for an addition of a third level of district courts instead of the previous two level district court between the supreme court and common pleas court.
Massive globalization and further increases in technology, during this time the Cold War has begun so competing for superior tech led to advancements in Military Technology which was then converted for Civilian use, so overall technology was vastly improved as well living condition for the average American. More wars were fought for the idea of “Balance of Power” such as the Korean War and Vietnam, mainly a way to protect and spread capitalism. Patriotism was also more wide spread than ever.
Germany was disarmed, forced to accept full liability for the war, and stripped of its colonies.
Plato/ Edmentum users this is the answer^