First convert 5,280 ft. into inches.

5280 ft. equals 63360 inches.
Then you divide that by 42

If you're rounding to the nearest step then it would take 1509 steps to run 1 mile.
I’ll do an example you have the numbers 1,5,7,2,9 you can tell the median is 7 right? So go from the very left and the median (7) and do the same thing you do to find median. (Id recommend crossing the numbers off as you go if that makes sense! :)
The given expression can't be expressed in polynomial form. Hence, it is not a polynomial.
Step-by-step explanation:
P(x,n) is a polynomial of nth degree if it is of the form,
P(x,n) = 
where n is a finite positive integer and n ∈ N
and '
's are fixed but otherwise arbitrary constants ∀ i = 0(1)n .
Now, the given expression is,

which doesn't fit in the above form. Hence, it is not a polynomial.
Step-by-step explanation:
6^-6 - (-5) = 6^(-6 + 5) = 6^(-1)
A lot of things are going on in this question. Notice how the 5 is handled. It starts off in the denominator as - 5 and when brought to the numerator it becomes -(-5) which makes it + 5.
The answer is then easy. It is 6^(-6 + 5) = 6^-1
You could give the answer as 1/6 but that is not what the question says.
Distribute the -2 to get
-16x + 8 < 2x + 5
3 < 18x
1/6 < x
so x > 1/6