Vietnamization I’m pretty sure
Convict lease system, which was popular in the South essentially leased convicts to large agricultural operations. This system led to many forms of abuse of workers who had lost their rights as a result of being convicted of a felony, whether guilty or not. This was particularly true for African Americans in the late-nineteenth century. One of the most notorious of these operations was Parchman Farm in Mississippi, which literally utilized thousands of black convicts for various unpaid tasks.
1. A policy first adopted by President Truman to stop the spread of Communism
2. The United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War
3. Nations that are politically and economically controlled by another country.
4. A state of military and political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after WWII
Cold War
5. A social, economic, and military barrier between the Soviet bloc countries and Western Europe after WWII
Iron Curtain
The Industrial Revolution also led to an unprecedented rise in the rate of population growth. Textiles were the dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, value of output and capital invested. The textile industry was also the first to use modern production methods.