The correct sentence is "She and Susan are working on a puzzle together." The best pronoun is She; subject. The correct answer is C.
Answer: Im pretty sure that its Letter C. Let me know if im right
1- She refers to founding documents, in order to show her audience that even from its founding, the United States has granted certain rights to all people, and there is no caveat in these documents that states that women do not qualify for these rights.
4- Anthony discusses a conversation with Senator Sumner in which she argued that he had granted freed (male) slaves the right to vote -as they too were people and citizens, and therefore deserved this right- and there was no reason for women to not also be given this right.
There are several critics on the issue of students taking snacks or food to class. Some teachers say that it will cause too much distraction, reducing student's ability to learn as they will share snacks and will be looking at what other students brought to class.
However, consider the fact that middle school learners are growing at an incredible rate. Their body needs energy and their minds get tired if they spend too much time withouth eating. Food is like fuel to the brain. Allowing snacks will actually increase sutdnet's ability to learn as it will take away the distraction of hunger.