Generalized anxiety disorder
GAD is a psychological disorder. It is about excessive worry and persistent worry about the number of different things. People who suffers from GAD generally anticipated disasters and excessive worry about money, family, health, work, or school grades. They may worry more about the concern situation than it is in reality. They analyze the situation worst even when there is not any apparent reason for the situation. GAD diagnosed when the person has no control over the situation and it is persistent last six months and has three or more symptoms. People, with GAD don't know how to stop the cycle of worry and feel that is beyond their reach. The people know that their worry is more intense than the situation occurs. The exact cause of GAD is unknown, but there is another factor contributing to it as family, genes, environment, etc. people with GAD can function socially. Sometimes they avoid the situation just because, they from disorder or maybe they don't want to take the opportunity due to their worry about a social situation, travel promotions, etc.
How will it make me feel about myself?
Nathan is faced with an ethical dilemma because he is concerned about the consequences of his actions. He is particularly how he will feel after engaging in the unethical act that the supervisor has asked