Good annotations are specific, show the connections and evidence that's being used, and use your own words with clear meaning. Bad annotations are vague and minimal, are inserted at random so it "looks finished", and just try to get the "right answer".
Hope this is helpful to you!
Scientists have often wondered what bellybutton lint is made up of. An Austrain chemist named Georg Steinhauser decided to find out, and since he had a belly button, he searched himself! He examined over 500 pieces to see what the lint has occupied. He found that it has cotton from clothes, AND dead skin, sweat, basically the stuff our body resists and extracts. Goerg Steinhauser found all this out within a teeny tiny part of your stomach.
b )Intelligence, Integrity, Courage, Wisdom, The Capacity to See Beyond
Answered by @RealStephani
Have a good day!
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