We walked to the park- walked (simple predicate), walked to the park (complete predicate)
My brother Ken collects old stamps- collects (simple predicate), collects old stamps (complete predicate)
I cooked a delicious meal- cooked (simple predicate), cooked a delicious meal (complete predicate)
Mom works hard all day- works (simple predicate), works hard all day (complete predicate)
The shy rabbit hopped away quickly- hopped (simple predicate), hopped away quickly (complete predicate)
Curley mistakenly thinks that Lennie is laughing at him with the other men, when, in fact, Lennie is not aware of the drama between Curley and Slim and is simply chuckling to himself with glee thinking about the dream farm. Curley, who has just been embarrassed in front of the workers, picks a fight with Lennie, thinking he'll earn some respect back by beating the much-larger Lennie. Lennie defends himself and attacks Curley only when George tells him to do so. In the scene, George says, "Get 'im, Lennie!" This moment feels very much like a master siccing his dog on someone. Lennie follows George's command and breaks nearly every bone in Curley's hand.
the only word i can think of that makes the sentence make sence.
I would need more information to help you. Sorry
Your first option is correct.
your first option is correct because this is a grammar question. When you use "an" you're using it in front of a vowel. The only sentence starting with a vowel is the first one. The others don't sound right when you use "an" in front of it instead of "a".
I hope I helped! :)