Overall this conversation was pretty terrific, but there are just a couple mistakes. The grammar should be overlooked and a couple things you say could be revised to sound less formal. For example: "Madam" could be changed to miss or just not said at all. It sounds a bit formal to say over the phone. "Viola" could be changed to "Here it is!" or "Yes, I have it now."
Other than that, you have a pretty great conversation! My only questions are: Are you French or the woman on the phone or do you just like to talk in French 'cause you are saying a ton of French words. By the way, did you not like my last answer 'cause you are ignoring all my questions and answering all of the other girl's comments. If you do, why don't you just tell me? ):
I feel really bad because you don't seem to be answering anything. Or am I just completly guessing that you don't like it and you really do? Anyways, I hope this helped. (:
Well, it seems to be pretty good as it is. I would suggest a few grammatical changes, just to make it flow a little better. Also, I don't know if you're trying to be overly polite in booking the tickets, but people don't tend to be so formal when buying things over the phone, but that isn't really important for homework like this. J'aimerai should be translated, and the sentence should be condensed a bit, so it would be something along the lines of "I'd like to have two seats for my friend and me, next to each other and in the middle, if possible." Near the end, one of the responses is written as "Just a second, I seek. Viola." It should be rearranged slightly so it flows better, so something like, "I'm looking for it, just a second," or just "Just a second." The "I'm looking for it," or "I seek," as you wrote it, is often implied. "Viola" can stay, if you'd like, or you could say, "Oh, I found it," or "Here it is," if you use the implied version. Below that is the phrase "All is perfect..." This seems a little weird to me, so I would suggest saying something like, "It's all good," or just "perfect." When thanking the person over the phone, most people don't use the title "Madam." Just a simple "ma'am" or "miss" would be used, or no title at all, just "Thanks." I hope this helps!