This fact alone is not enough to avoid the accusation of plagiarism because plagiarism is a very wide subject that can not be satisfied only by the addition of the references of the sources one used during writing.
Plagiarism is defined as the practice of using another person's work or idea and presenting them as if they are your own. Plagiarism encompasses the following acts:
1. Using sources without citing them.
2. Not using appropriate in-text citations in one's write up.
3. Improper paraphrasing of other people's words, that is, those words are still basically in the form used by the original user.
4. Not including quotation marks when other people's words are used.
5. Failure to acknowledge all authors, in case the source used was put together by many authors.
These are just few examples of what constitute plagiarism, so you can see that it is more than just adding references to your write up.<span />
The chairman of the board: "We are meeting our goals for the quarter. How should we best use our profits?"
The above sentence does not introduce a quotation correctly.
The quotation mark is known to be a punctuation mark that is used in setting off and representing exact language which was made by somebody else. The language made by the person may be written or spoken. We find the use of quotation marks in fictional work when it is used to designate speech acts.
In the above selected sentence, we see that the colon follows after "the chairman of the board" without clarifying if he is making the statement that follows after the colon.
Answer: B
A rhetorial question is a question not in need of an answer, just metioning something to bring light to the answer, or to help one undertsnad more,
Jack and Jill as it teaches us that people will do anything to save themselves and be brave but red riding hood for example has no real meaning behind it except don’t be too confident
the B sound is constantly used