Johann Gutenberg invented printing
How did it change society? : Before the movable printing press making manuscripts was a very long and time consuming thing and did not always turn on the way it was supposed to.
The correct answer is "Someone who commits assault is beaten as a punishment." because it is both cruel and unusual
C: Monarch
Under the Church of England also known as the Anglican Church the head of the church was the monarch in power. Anglicanism was started by King Henry VIII (8th) of England so he could divorce his then wife Catherine of Aragon.
The current head of the Anglican Church is Queen Elizabeth II of the UK.
The answer to this is A.korea
Domesticated animals: The Americas had not seen horses, pigs, or cattle prior to the arrival of the Europeans.
These animals changed how Native Americans lived, ate, and fought. They were able to use horses to travel more quickly, fight their enemies, and eventually in agriculture. The animals also brought disease which harmed the Native Americans.