Bradbury´s opening uses the literary device of personification by granting a human trait (the capacity to tremble because of weakness) to a non-living thing (the sign on the wall). This sentence also works as a foreshadowing element, as it sets the mood for something going wrong.
Furthermore, it relates to a later metaphor about time being "a film run backward." In the end, the protagonist finds himself trembling because of his weakness, his incapacity to go through the film of time without causing trouble.
A Clarity because clarity means the same as "how clearly". Or the measurement of "how clear something is", like the clarity of water. If you practiced new Vocab words with good clarity or with clarity, it means you understand them and can spell them well.
some creepy and spooky onomatopoeias: BOOOOO GRRRRRRRR WOOOOOO AWOOOOOO etc.
i dont know what is answer
carry study