The appeasement policy is a political strategy, where one country accepts conditions imposed by other countries, thus avoiding a warlike intervention (war), also called "fear of war".
In the second world war, to avoid war with Hitler's Germany, several violations by Hitler were ignored, with the aim of preserving peace at any cost, thus sacrificing Czechoslovakia.
Really up to you but i say;
Citizens may own property under communism, but not under socialism, or under socialism, businesses seek to earn profits, buy under communism they seek to meet people's needs.
The main goals of Reconstruction in the South were to reestablish federal control in the South. Another important goal was to facilitate the transition of more than 4 million enslaved people from slavery to freedom. Another goal was to rebuild the infrastructure of the South and restore the seceded states to the Union.
So that they can use them as primary sources to find out the most accurate facts
After the bombing at Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt addressed Congress asking to declare war on Japan.