Answer: Besides changing you topic why don't you explain why you would like to choose art or music. Are you experienced in it? Do you enjoy doing it? Why do you enjoy it? Asking question like these will let you think of good things to write in your research presentation. You could also research on some other people that have made it a successful career and how they started there career and relate to how you would like to start yours that way.
1) Be physically active/fit
2) Be kind
3) Study hard
4) Work hard
5) Have a healthy sleep schedule
6) Travel
7) Eat well
8) Find/meet good friends
9) Take time for yourself
10) Get homework done on time
Hello. You didn't show which words are underlined, so I'll give you the grammatical name and function of all of them.
What: Pronoun. It has the function of referring to or replacing a noun, representing something, which does not have a specific name, but which needs to be represented in the sentence. The pronoun is a variable word.
To do: Verb. It has the function of representing an action, an activity that will be performed by something or someone.
Is: Verb. It has the ability to represent a state or occurrence.
Problem: Noun. It has the function of naming something or someone.
I believe the correct answer is: iambic pentameter.
The first line “Not marble, nor the gilded monuments” of William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet LV” is written in iambic pentameter, the line of verse which consists of five metrical feet, one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable. Therefore, every second syllable is emphasized.
to tell when and where the story takes place to explain how difficult it is to travel in some climates to show how dangerous it is to leave Honduras to introduce the main character and describe his traits.