Two reasons why they traveled to the Silk Road was for religion introduction and papermaking
Separation of Powers in the Central Government. One important principle embodied in the U.S. Constitution is separation of powers. To prevent concentration of power, the U.S. Constitution divides the central government into three branches and creates a system of checks and balances.
Waves hit the coast at an angle and form currents in the surf zone
Napoleon and Nationalism was from 1803-1815, Napoleon and his militaries navigated Europe to attempt to join the mainland under French control. When Napoleon was intersection the landmass, he accidentally spread his optimal of patriotism, which was the possibility of national pride and unity.Thus, Nationalism changed Europe all in all.
There were three steps: first, Napoleon's triumph of Europe spread patriotism all through the mainland; second, the Congress of Vienna quelled patriotism for very nearly a century while mistreating nations rights, which had the confusing impact of spreading.
Nationalism significantly further; third was the Revolutions of 1848 utilized Nationalism to change the initiative and political scene in nations like Austria, France, Spain and Prussia. In this manner, Nationalism changed Europe in general.