The famous phrase said by former British prime minister Neville Chamberlain after meeting Adolf Hitler in Munich (1938) and accepting his promises of no more aggression, has come to symbolize appeasement: "Peace in our time."
It seems that you have missed the necessary options to answer this question, but anyway, here is the answer. As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts, the Boston Tea Party took place. The "Boston Massacre" occurred, in which British troops fired on colonists. Hope this helps.
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I agree with the other comments but remember how different things are now.
Back in Jefferson’s time, there were thousands of small newspapers, they were usually just a page or two and they were all independent. Today corporations own most newspapers and they force them to toe the company line when it comes to what they can print. TV and radio are worse, most are just propaganda outlets (Fox is among the worst) and are in the entertainment business not in the news business. The PBS stations are independent when it comes to local events but most get national news from PBS or NPR, they are pretty good but they are slanted to the left.
You have to be very careful who you trust, the foreign sources are best because they don’t gain much by pushing one view or another. Even there you have to be sure they aren’t just a mouthpiece for China or Russia.