"Scorning the base degrees / By which he did ascend"
William Shakespeare's tragedy play "Julius Caesar" tells how the title character was murdered for the 'safety of Rome and its people' by people close to him. The conspirators included Brutus and Cassius, who felt that Rome is better off without the over ambitious Caesar.
The lines "Scorning the base/ By which he did ascend" best supports the theme that power can corrupt people. These lines were spoken by Brutus in Act II scene i of the play where he's shown debating between his dilemma of participating and supporting the murder plan of Caesar or not. By these words, he meant to imply that once people are ambitious, they will do anything to get their goal, even humbling themselves. But, once they get their goal, they turned their backs on those who helped them achieve and tries to gain higher ground while despising and scorning those behind his success. This greed blinded him and let him see only things for himself. Thus is the same case for Caesar. Brutus opines that even though Caesar may be a good leader now, but once he gains more power and become king will be bad for Rome. Thus, the decision to kill him.
1. I watched the balloon rise in the air.
2. I will raise my balloon up too.
Answer:Nonverbal Transitions
Explanation:Transitions during a speech delivery may make a speaker look more eloquent.
It also help to keep the audience focused and not falling asleep.
Non-verbal transitions include things like:
1) Pausing with your voice. This is very important to maintain and not let it get out of hands because if it is constant it may make you seem like you have lost the sequence of your thoughts This one overdone can seem like you have lost your train of thought. It is very effective thought if you have given your audience a thought provoking statement , that pause moment will make them reflect for that moment on what you just said.
2) Your body movement on the stage. This is also a non verbal transition
3) Using your fingers to count off points.
The answer is "yes, completely
Their imaginative narrative, "The World On Turtle 's Back", not only explains its earth's creation but is also regarding people's dynamic existence. Its legend says that the earth existed under a large sea-tortoise, then composed of a pregnant woman. This was full of conflicts and compelling characters in historical creation. By telling it through complex performances, the Iroquois passed this Story through one generation to the next, that's why it fulfills its functions.