Yes, I think the composer, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, was successful in his goal to create music that told stories.The Scheherazade is a fantastic example of this. The symphonic piece consists of a story about a vengeful prince and a brave woman. The prince is betrayed by a woman and sets out to kill them all. Then, he meets the courageous Scheherazade, who risks her life, aware of the prince's intentions, to protect the lives of other women. Drawn in by her euphonious voice and enchanting stories, the prince can't help but fall in love. Rimsky-Korsakov executes the storytelling factor perfectly as the he tells the story clearly and differentiates the characters throughout the song. It is clear when the prince is speaking as the music grows louder and more intimidating, demanding attention, versus when Scheherazade was speaking as the music falls softer, communicating Scheherazade's soothing voice.
( If this helped you please give it a thumbs up/five stars and a brainliest :) )
I have researched the work of Rimsky-Korsakov, specifically Scheherazade and used my knowledge to answer this question to the best of my ability.