The organ that is important in processing substances after being absorbed during digestion is the liver.
The answer is pilus. This structure joins two bacteria of same species and allow exchange of genetic material in a process called horizontal gene transfer (conjugation). The plasmid of one of the bacteria (the mobile plasmid) is nicked once and the strand moves through the pillus to the other bacteria. It combines with the other plasmid or chromosome to for recombinant dna.
Photosynthesis produces glucose and O2 from inorganic CO2, light energy and water. This occurs in distinct steps: 1) light fixation, 2) electron transport and NADPH production 3) ATP generation, then 4) carbon fixation and carbohydrate production.
6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2
Further Explanation:
Photosynthesis is a chemical process, essential to plant and other primary producers producing energy. As oxygen is emitted, energy in the form of glucose molecules is created from light, water, and carbon dioxide. It happens in several complicated stages, photosynthesis is a speed-limited process, depending on several factors including concentration of carbon dioxide, ambient temperature and light intensity; energy is extracted from photons, i.e. light particles, and water is used as a reduction agent. It occurs in the thykaloids, where pigment molecules live like chlorophyll.
Photosynthesis occurs in several complex steps and is a reaction of a small duration, depending on several fa factors including carbon dioxide concentration, ambient temperature and light intensity; the energy is retrieved from photons, I.e. particles of light, and water is used as a reducing agent. Water supplies the chlorophyll in plant cell with replacement electrons for the ones removed from photosystem II.
- Water (H2O) divided into H+ and OH-by light during photolysis serves as a source of oxygen along with acting as a reduction agent; it reduces the NADP molecule to NADPH by supplying H+ ions and generates molecules of the energy storage molecule ATP through an electron transport chain.
- This happens in the thykaloids, where pigment molecules reside like chlorophyll.
- Later, NADP and NADPH are used in dark reactions during the Calvin cycle, where monosaccharides or sugars such as glucose are produced after several molecules have been modified. These store energy in their bonds which in the mitochondria can be released in respiration.
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<span>Food molecules like lipids, proteins and polysaccharides are broken down enzymatically via digestion process, which occurs in our intestine cells (digestive system). Those large polymeric molecules are broken down into their monomer subunits—proteins into amino acids, polysaccharides into sugars, and fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Formed small organic molecules are now ready for the oxidation (a process that produces ATP and consumes O2) which occurs partly in the cytosol and in the mitochondrion. Oxidation processes include glycolysis and citric acid cycle which are differently required in different tissues. Nervous system (nerve cells) rely almost entirely on a constant supply of <span>glucose<span> from the bloodstream. In contrast, liver cells supply glucose to actively contracting muscle system which needs a lot of ATP energy.</span></span></span>