Delimitati si precizati felul subordonatelor : Ar fi fost cuminte sa se abata in dreapta ori in stanga si sa se ascunda in padur
ea care stapanea pretudindei.Dar copilul se desteptase si i se parea mamei ca numai vuietul parcului acoperea destul de bine tipetele lui. MULTUMESC FRUMOS
This is romanian Delineate and specify the subordinate type: he would have been good to stray to the right or to the left and to hide in the forest that mastered the Pretudindei. But the child desteptaseed and it seemed to my mother that only the roar of the park was covering his screams quite well. Thank you very much
I took a summer program in the summer where many people there were immigrants allowing for us the learn a new language as the summer went by and use it everyday