The fate of glucose-6-phosphate,glycolytic intermediates and pentose phosphate pathways are described below
Fate of Glucose -6-phosphate
Glucose-6-phosphate undergo dephosphorylation to form glucose when there is an increase demand of glucose in the body.
Glucose-6-phosphate enters into pentose phosphate pathway to synthesize ribose-5-phosphate which is used during denovo pathway of purine nucleotide biosynthesis.
Fate of glycolytic intermediates
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is an important intermediate of glycolysis.The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate act as a precursor during lipogenesis that deals with the biosynthesis of triacylglycerol.
Fate of pentose phosphate pathway intermediates
Ribose-5-phosphate and NADPH are the important intermediates of pentone phosphate pathway.
Ribose-5-phosphate act as a substrate molecule during the denovo biosynthesis pathway of purine nucleotides.
NADPH act as a reducing agent during fatty acid biosynthesis process.
Célula procariota y procariotas.
La célula procariota es un tipo de célula que apareció por primera vez en la Tierra hace unos mil millones de años. Estos tipos de células están presentes en los procariotas, lo que significa que estos organismos no tienen un núcleo verdadero o una membrana nuclear alrededor del núcleo y otros orgánulos de la célula. El ADN del organismo procariótico se encuentra en una parte central de la célula que se conoce como nucleoide. La pared celular de un procariota actúa como una capa adicional de protección, ayuda a mantener la forma y estructura celular y previene la deshidratación.
Yes the answer is gene cloning the guy on top is right