Gouache paints come in many colors and are usually mixed with water to achieve the desired working properties and to control the opicity when dry, also like watercolor, gouache dries to a matte finish. it is similar to acrylic or oil paints in that is normally used in an opaque painting style
They are different because the Altamira cave paintings are more dull, they don’t necessarily show some animals very precisely. More of it is symbols. As for the Lascaux cave paintings they are easily seen, darker. They are animals. Most are in motion instead of staying still.
It is an accessible form of propaganda and communication.
Many different religions use art to spread their belief. Places of worship are decorated both internally and externally with images and iconography of religious elements, to connect people with the divine, and encourage/remind them of the faithful path. It is also a sort of propaganda, an easy way of communicating the complex ideas that are faith and belief. Some of the religions that chose this approach are Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
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