They both exhibit imperfect competition in that oligopoly has few sellers while monopoly has many sellers.
Or you can say
Firms have some level of control over prices in both competitive structures.
Cell Size and Scale, an elegant and deceptively simple interactive from the University of Utah's Genetic Science Learning Center, enables you to compare the sizes of various really small things. The interactive is available free on the Internet and works on desktop computers, smart phones, and tablets.
Prophase is the first step in mitosis and many changes occur. Chromatin fibers become coiled into chromosomes, with each chromosome having 2 chromatids joined at a centromere. The mitosis spindle, composed of microtubules and proteins, form in the cytoplasm.
cold with high salt content
The water would freeze across the surface of the lake, blocking the dissolving of oxygen and nutrients. <span>Water is actually less dense when frozen, which is why ice cubes and ice bergs all float. This is also why you can ice skate on a lake if the ice gets thick enough on the surface. Many organisms that live in freezing lakes have special adaptations which help them survive.</span>