The bulk of railroad employees were African Americans, Chinese, and Irish immigrants.
The railroad was the most significant business in which African Americans worked after the Civil War since many Southern companies would rent, buy, or possess slaves. The railroad building project known as the Union Pacific Rail Road, which extended from the Missouri River to the Pacific, mostly used Irish immigrants as laborers. On the other side, the Central Pacific Railroad used Chinese workers, who made up about 80% of the workforce by the year 1868.
More than 40 million immigrants entered the country between 1800 and 1950, demonstrating the wide range of labor available. Chinese and Irish immigrants, as well as certain veterans of the Union and Confederate armies, built the majority of the first railways that were constructed in the US. To name a few of the occupations required during the construction of the railway, blacksmiths, carpenters, engineers, masons, surveyors, truck drivers, telegraphists, and even chefs were required.
Learn more about Chinese and Irish immigrants:
When writing this letter, you should include the fact that although regulations were limited and there were frequent worker injuries, productivity was high in the factory, which led to increased output and subsequently increased GDP for the state and country.
Answer: George Washington strongly believed that foreign involvement wasn't in the United States' best interest -- it would only lead to economic hardship and instability. The U.S. military was too weak and war-weary to fight another battle so soon after the American Revolution.
The significance of the 1893 World's Colombian Exhibition in regards to ragtime was that it was the first time large numbers of Americans were exposed to the style.