Inheritance laws--Younger sons were left without any share in the family estate.
In England, only the oldest son was provided land through inheritance. The younger sons in the family had to rely on the oldest son to provide some land or they had to find a trade. The Americas provided new land for men to acquire or a chance to work and start from scratch. They were given a chance to become wealthy on their own.
Tobacco plantations--A labor-intensive crop led to labor shortages.
Tobacco plantations need a lot of labor to produce the crop. A system of indentured servitude began bringing men who could not afford to pay for their passage to the Americas on loan status. They would work off their passage on the plantations and after an agreed upon time had lapsed they would be provided some money and land to begin on their own.
Wool industry--Displaced farmers were left without fields to farm.
The increased demands for wool in England left farmers without land to farm or they were bought out of their land by wealthier farmers. The industry created an increase of jobless farmers. Again the Americas offered new, cheap land for farmers to farm and have a chance at wealth.
<em>The purpose of a debate during the federal legislate process is for all parties involved to bring forward their cases and their reasons for either opposing or defending a new bill.</em>
The American democratic system ensures that people can influence a bill through their chosen representatives.
Hence, before a new bill is passed and turned into a Federal law, senators are given a chance to discuss the merits of the proposed bill
Since, all representatives have to vote on passing a bill, this gives a chance for all kinds of debates and points of views to be heard. It is possible that with a constructive discussion and criticisms, the bill can be amended to ensure something that can be accepted by the majority.
-After it is amended or rewritten in its full committee.
-In the house of representatives, a bill goes to the rules committee after it is amended or rewritten in its full committee.
-The House Rules Committee considers all bills reported from policy and fiscal committees and determines whether, and in what order, to schedule their consideration on the floor of the House.
-It also reviews, adopts and schedules consideration of floor resolutions.
The answer is C, Oceania cultures kept written records on clay tablets.
It took the Mongols 162 years