Whats the answers needed for the question? I would be happy to answer
Answer: B
The answer is an era of relative peace, with significantly less warfare in the world
In an era of relative peace, a country will much more likely to allocate all of its budgets into human skill development, welfares, and resource management.
This will open a lot of opportunity for career advancement and business development, which will lead to rising global economy.
They were urban and poor , they were immigrants, they needed education, healthcare, childcare, and employment resources.
Settlement houses were organizations that provided support services to the urban poor and European immigrants, often including education, healthcare, childcare, and employment resources.
I inferred you are referring to the 2000 movie entitled "The Patriots".
Occam, being an African-American was an enslaved man. Thus, he was acting in behalf of his master when he fought.
For most of the recorded history, or more specifically till around the period of the expansion of the Arabian Empire, it was a relative unknown for most of the the other countries. It is not that the others didn't knew the region, but the region was not of interest of any of the other countries so it was left mostly unexplored. This was due to several reasons:
- The landscape; it was and still is a desert dominated region, so it was dangerous and unattractive for most people.
- The population; there was a very small population which was predominantly nomadic so it was not of great use for the foreign countries.
- Scarcity of resources; Arabia lacked any significant resources that can increase an interest in the region, and the biggest problem of all was the lack of water since the Arabian Peninsula doesn't have a single constant river flow.