Answer: <u><em>Dear Grandma, </em></u>
<u><em>Thank you so much for the treats you sent me, they were really amazing. I had shared some with my siblings and they all loved it. Grandma, we have missed you a lot lately and cant wait for us to visit you doing the summer. We have not seen you in years and its honestly killing me. I owe my entire life to you, Grandma. You’ve helped make me into the person that I am today and the person who has yet to grow. I genuinely have no idea where I would be without you. Everything we’ve shared together is forever filed in a special part of my brain. A place for only you and me. It is somewhere I can go whenever we aren’t together and I'm missing you. It is a place I can go for advice, a good laugh, and a mood enhancer. All I have to do is think of your smile and my day is automatically so much better. You have provided me with so much that I will never be able to pay you back for, but I am going to continue to try every day. I am so unbelievably lucky to have you. Out of all the people in the world, all of the women to become grandmas, I got the best in my life.
<u><em> Love you to the moon and back,</em></u>
<u><em>Your favorite grandchild ;)</em></u>
I love you so much.
Practice using pre-taught sentence stems with simple sentence structures and tenses during collaborative activities.
Sentence stems refers to parts of a sentence to which inflections or other words are added. As a consequence, in oder for students to improve their speaking abilities, it is suitable to provide them with correct cues with the right grammatical features so that they can modify them according to the meaning of their utterances. Finally, collaborative tasks involve interaction with their partners to complete a specific exercise, which are highly appropriate to develop speaking skills.
Han applies option c- he is challenging the credibility of sources. Ramona ,surprised, asks him if the evidence from Pettit's book was from fictional sources. Hans supports his claim through a review of Giovanni Fiorini's book. The material from this book which had been written by a story-teller and not by a historian was used by Pettit.
Option a- is wrong. Hans is not determining new research goals. He is questioning the credibility of sources.
Option b-is wrong. Hans is evaluating what an author said about Giovanni Fiorini's book. The material from this 'great' source was used by Pettit in <em>his </em>book.
Option d is wrong. Ramona is asking clarifying questions. She wants Hans to justify his claim. This states that the credibility of sources can be questioned.