be done to protect people walking on sidewalks
Every sentence needs at least one verb, which is paired with the subject. All verbs have tense, aspect, and mood, of which there is a wide variety of combinations. These concepts are part of the foundation of accurately expressing your thoughts in writing. Verb Tense. Tense indicates when the action expressed by a verb takes place.
What is not right? reply in a pm
Number 1
Tradition means a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.
Romeo <span>finds out that Rosaline's name is on the list for the </span>party<span>. The servant, unknowing that Benvolio and </span>Romeo<span> are from the Montague family, invites them both to come along. Lady </span>Capulet<span> asked Juliet what she thought about marrying Paris.</span>