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The North realized that if it did not act swiftly, the Southern states might take the precedent of the Scott case as a justification for expanding slavery into new territories and free states alike. The South recognized the threat of the Republican party and knew that the party had gained a considerable amount of support as a result of the Northern paranoia in the aftermath of the decision.
In a typical behavior modification program, one needs to select a behavior to modify and describe it completely using concrete terms. Next, one must gather data about target behavior that includes identifying how many times the behavior occurs, identifying triggers, and the consequences that follow the behavior. Then, one should design a program that will both effectively change the behavior and track one's progress in doing so in order to increase wanted behavior or decrease unwanted behavior. Finally, the plan must be put into effect and watched to see whether or not it works. If it does not work, then the plan must be modified, or adjusted. Then the program should be brought to an end be reducing reinforcement gradually.
Globalization, or globalisation, is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. Globalization has accelerated since the 18th century due to advances in transportation and communication technology.