Answer: I would contend that the right answer is the C) that he will be the only observer of the horseman's fall.
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that by making his way "with aimless feet" and "pushing his exploration further," the officer had the potential chance of witnessing something unexpected and adventurous. And this he did, when he saw the horseman in the sky. He did hurt himself in his shin when he saw the man on horseback riding through the air, but not seriously, and this description of his spirit of adventure does not necessarily suggest that he will lie to the commander.
What was the third paragraph?
If you provide that I can try to answer it.
Mike Kubic believed that during the progressive era, American Progress moved forward positively and that the quality of life improved for Americans and their generation to come.
Mike Kubic in his article titled, 'The Progressive Era', explained that the period helped to reduce the excesses of business magnates who had the economy under their dominion and who controlled the resources of the nation. He explained that the period significantly reduced the monopolization of industries by the rich producers.
While he recognized that not all the efforts to better things at that period were successful, he acknowledged that the period helped to move the American society forward by shaping the American society into a better one with amazing results.
800-600 BC - the Upanishads wrote the sacred scripture.
500 BC - Jainism and Buddhism were founded.
<span>326 BC - <span>Alexander the Great moved into India.
</span></span><span>324 BC - <span>The Mauryan Empire was established
</span></span><span>272 BC - <span>Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, becomes the emperor of India.
</span></span><span>185 BC - <span>The Maurya Empire ended.
</span></span><span>1500's - <span>Christianity was introduced to India by the Europeans and in the early 1500's Sikhism was founded by Nana.
</span></span><span>1600 - <span>Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the East India Company established trading posts in Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras
</span></span><span>1857 - <span>The Sepoy Rebellion
</span></span><span>1914 - 1918 - <span>World War 1
</span></span><span>1945 - <span>August: World War II ended when United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
</span></span><span>1947 - <span>British and Indian leaders agreed to divide the country into India and Pakistan, 15 August 1947 India became independent.
</span></span><span>1948 - <span>30 January: Gandhi was assassinated
</span></span><span>1950 - <span>26 January: A new Indian Constitution was ratified and Jawaharlal Nehru became the Indian first prime minister</span></span>
Tell everyone to put there hands up on the seat in front of them or on the dash so the cops can see them and let the cop know how many people are in the car