Well he says his name is "nobody" which when the other giants come and ask who did this in return he says "nobody" which gives Odysseus the perfect escape plan.
Walt Whitman's work is continuation of and a departure from the work of transcendentalist authors of USA.
Walt Whitman is the most well known and most widely read poet from the USA and has been an influential figure for the development of the modern poetry.
He very much developed his poetry style and subject matter from the work of transcendental authors before him which includes Emerson, Hawthorne and Longfellow, who had a peculiar way of life and wrote a form of poetry.
The poetry that Whitman wrote continued the tradition of hermit meditations of the poet but were markedly different in their use of free verse and more free diction as well as heavy symbolism.
The supporting details should be included in the Body Paragraphs of an essay. The introduction is an introduction of what you plan to write about, and the thesis is included in the introduction where you specifically mention your main topics/points. However you elaborate on these in the body paragraphs and these elaborations are your supporting details. The conclusion is a summary of your essay and should not be introducing any new information.