Castilian dialect, Spanish Castellano, a dialect of the Spanish language (q.v.), the basis of modern standard Spanish. Originally the local dialect of Cantabria in north central Spain, Castilian spread to Castile. After the merger of the kingdoms of Castile, Leon, and Aragon in the late 15th century, it became the standard language of all Spain and in the following centuries the language also of Spanish America.
En algunos países latinos se usa el termino hermano como gran amigo
El termino mi sangre es utilizado para personas de la misma nación, inclusive para mencionar a familiares
they are all correct except:
number 5 is miro (mirar = to watch)
number 4 on the first row is escuchaste (escuchar = to listen)
number 5's conjugation is third person she/he (usted, el, ella) being -o (with an accent mark)
number 4 (top)'s conjugation is you (tu) being -aste
you're welcome!!
I think the correct answer is the a.Amable