4. <span>I seized the bell-rope; dropped it, ashamed; seized it again; dropped it once more; clutched it tremblingly once again, and pulled it so feebly that I could hardly hear the stroke myself.
In order to answer this question I need to know what text.
Answer: A fake or artificial body part.
Unrelenting and relentless
First let's define persistence. Then let's find the words that mean similar things to it.
Persistence - a quality that is someone continuing and trying to do something even though it is difficult or discouraged by others; not giving up
Basically, in simple terms, persistence means not giving up.
Unrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving up
nrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving upUnrelenting is a synonym to persistence.
relent - to stop or become less severe; to give up
Relentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving up
elentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving upRelentless is a synonym to persistence.
Yielding - giving way or stopping under pressure; to give up
Have a lovely rest of your day! :)