Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that was born in the eighteenth century and whose creator is called Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism seeks the greatest good, for the greatest number of people, that is, seeks happiness for all people.
John Stuart Mill, adept to this doctrine, argued that the human being is in a constant search to achieve the greatest pleasure. Mill placed spiritual and intellectual happiness in the first place and, in the background, bodily pleasure.
He argues that “utilitarianism is more profoundly religious [doctrine] than any other” because this doctrine is aimed at seeking the greatest happiness not only of one's own but also of one's neighbor. The pleasure and suffering that is related to God's love and punishment appears in this search for happiness. If he performs good deeds, he will be rewarded, but if he does bad deeds, he will be punished.
One of the major inequalities that exist in the United States in the wealth gap. There is a distinct difference between the incomes of the wealthiest Americans (Top 1%) and the poorest Americans. Much of this can be attributed to the concentration of wealth in the hands of the wealthy through access to jobs, education, investments and global markets. At the same time, the poorest citizens lack access to opportunity, jobs, education, investments and the opportunity to improve their situations. The solution is to provide more avenues for the equal redistribution of wealth.
The amendments to the Constitution that Congress proposed in 1791 were strongly influenced by state declarations of rights, particularly the Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776, which incorporated a number of the protections of the 1689 English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta.
Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton
If he got a problem he can Alexander handle it
Lost 150 pounds
Alexander dam he thin