Could you give more details on this question?
D the arrival of Allied transport and glider planes
1. As a Private Citizen
You, as a citizen of the state can propose bills for the country. But in order for this suggestion to be successfully noticed, you must first pass it to a representative of the Congress or one of their staff because only a member of Congress can propose a bill.
2. As a ‘Lobbyist’
Not anyone can be a lobbyist, it is a term used for registered citizens that seek to change laws by petitions or requests. They try to influence laws and legislations that they feel are wrong. Lobbyists let the Congress know about the people’s need and tell them how one bill can help or hurt the people they represent.
3. As a member of Congress
Although only a member of Congress can propose a bill, it does not automatically pass. Before a bill becomes law, it will have to be voted by the House, approved by the Senate and finally by the President.
4. As the President
The President can also propose or suggest bills but it must still be voted upon by the Senate and Congress and only then will it become a law. The President does not have the power to directly make new bills.
president franklin delano roosevelt
The correct answer is A.
The Kitchen Debate was an impromptu exchange between Khrushchev and Nixon in 1959. In this exchange of words, Nixon is showing a model of an American home that most Americans can afford. While showing off the technology, Khrushchev explains how he thinks American homes can only last for twenty years and that they are not built to last from generation to generation.
Nixon counters by saying that many Americans would want to make changes after this amount of time anyways. He argues that houses like the one being shown allow for American citizens to redesign and keep their houses current by adding in new technology. These new technologies, that are bound to be developed, will help to improve the quality of life for American citizens.