A weather pattern that you can expect is : B. Seasonal temperatures and precipitation
Cloud Coverage and Tornado are heavily affected by Wind Speed and direction which very difficult to predict since wind movement are affected by a lot of factors such as air pressure, temperature, and topography
The condition that must be fulfilled is reproduction.
China´s first unification occurred in 221 BCE. The king of Qin, Shi Huang Di, conquered all the other states of his time, often involved in endless wars (that´s why the era before unification was called the Warring States Period), and imposed his rule over the whole of those territories. He was the founder of the Qin dynasty, the first Chinese imperial dynasty.
Wind influences precipitation patterns. Wind could be warm or cool, humid or dry. As they go over the mountains, they could get cooler and cooler until they could not anymore hold moisture that is when it precipitates and distributes water call shower. The cycle repeats itself and the wind is never cancelled out of the equation. The process repeats itself, it is a cycle.
Some of the steps we can take to conserve our forest resources are as follows:
- Regulated and Planned Cutting of Trees: ...
- Control over Forest Fire: ...
- Reforestation and Afforestation: ...
- Check over Forest Clearance for Agricultural and Habitation Purposes: ...
- Protection of Forests: ...
- Proper Utilisation of Forest and Forests Products