It's more likely our solar system exist in the "suburbs" of the milky way.
In addition to genealogical changes, many of the early changes in Indo-European languages can be attributed to language contact. It has been asserted, for example, that many of the more striking features shared by Italic languages (Latin, Oscan, Umbrian, etc.) might well be areal features.
Geography affects History.
Geography is the setting of History story's.
Geography influence History.
GEOGRAPHY is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and the interaction between human beings and physical environment. While HISTORY is the record of human activities in the old times comprising civilizational marches in different periods spent in the lap of time.
History is mostly shaped and enriched by prevalent geographical settings.
The climate aspect of geography also largely influences the history and its characteristics. Geographical features like mountains and plains have had equally profound impact on human history. Mountains invariably influence the history of many countries.