Sexism is being sterotyped or put in a specific catagory depending on ur sex..
This is gender prejudice. Men thinking a woman cant do a mans job or a woman thinking a man cant perform a womans job this is sexism. Being judged by your gender.
The narrator knows everything from start to finish
Starbuck symbolizes the rational side of the human psyche
How would you feel if you were a woman in the early 1900, and couldn't vote? in this essay, I will explain to you about women's rights and where it all started. In the following paragraphs, you will read about who started women's suffrage and the act of women voting. When it started along with why...Why did it all start? Why did women want the right to vote?
First of all, women's right to vote was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment was granted. women the right to vote. The 19th amendment legally guarantees American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle victory took decades of agitation and protest. At this point, you may be asking yourself, "Did a man ever support this cause?" ...
Secondly, Women wanted the right to vote to be seen as equals and not to be judged based on their gender. Just cause they wore a skirt and not jeans they wanted to be treated the same just as any man. You may think New Zealand was the first self-governing country in the world in which all women had the right to vote in parliamentary elections; from 1893.