No it will actually help it
Enter a number: 7
Enter a number: 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
print (numi + num2)
NameError: name 'numi' is not defined
The typo in the print statement causes a run-time error, where obviously num1+num2 was expected, and an output of 17.
1. active listening 8. an online journal
2. barrier 1. a strategy for showing other people you are interested in what they are saying and that you understand what they are saying and how they feel about it
3. blog 2. anything that interferes with a message being sent or received
4. communication 5. guidelines for courteous electronic communication
5. netiquette 7. the person who creates or composes a message and delivers it either orally or in writing
6. receiver 9.. a personal belief that one should work hard and do a good job
7. sender 3. an online database of Web pages that can be created or edited by anyone (with permission)
8. wiki 6. the person who receives a message
9. work ethic 4. an exchange of information
The answer is as mentioned above. And these are important words from subject Professional Communication. And like when we talk of an exchange of information, we mean communication. And similarly, other words means as being mentioned above.