Rex is a name of a rock band I think( just double check on this) Greek is festival related, partying, drinking and so is the game Clue, it’s shorter, less people required, teaches a lesson, movie related, mysterious and not as boring as Monopoly honestly speaking. Rock is lively. I mean it’s rock it never disappoints. When you write, your audience can relate to you, sometimes my music cannot make sense but you will still understand it, it can be dark and no one will know it’s a dark meaning to what I wrote, poetry can be misinterpreted in many ways and sometimes when writing you can be cryptic and only those who know will know. Writing gets your emotions out right and it’s better to express myself. And finally Crown, my favorite, it’s not gender biased, can be worn by anyone, the fact that it is fully connected(circular) makes me feel whole and secure, a tiara is a type of crown, therefore a crown can be anything including a tiara and other types, crowns are royally related.
Now out of all that you have chosen, rock is free, expresses with no boundaries, anyone can reinvent themselves and more. Ohh my word this practically discribes T.rex band though, London charts- crown, poetic, Rex band, freedom of expression and speech is more Greek related than Latin related and they were more instrumental musically speaking from perspective.