before update
because the update has been made but not submited
Digital Signature
Digital Signatures are used in electronic messages to verify the sender's ıdentity. It is a online signature and highly secure way of proving identity.
The Signature is <em>encrypted</em> and can be decoded using <em>public-key</em> .
Digital signatures are certificated uniquely from accredited providers, encrypted and can be validated by certificate authorities.
Messages with digital signatures prove that the message sent by the owner of the signature and didn't changed on the way.
C. Fn Key
The Fn key represents the function key that used for the dual purpose. It is to be activated with the help of shift key. Also, it controls the functions of the hardware i.e. brightness of the computer or laptop screen, volume of the speaker, etc
Also, it overcomes the restrictions with respect to the size of the keyboard
hence, the correct option is c.
Boot Sector virus is when a virus infects the Boot Sector of a hard disk. A Boot Sector is the initial files necessary to start an OS and other bootable programs. It is typically infected by these viruses when started with infected floppy disks, however the boot virus does not have to be successful to infect your computer. Once infected, the virus tries to infect every other disk.
Hope this helps!
That answer would be the producer