Ferdinand Marcos is the answer you’re looking for.
Pagan is a person categorized as someone whose beliefs are not of those known or main religions. A pagan warrior's values is deeply connected to nature, as he believes in the natural phenomena. His values are deeply intertwined in finding himself thru the beauty of nature.
<span>Mycorrhizal associations are symbiotic interactions between "fungi and roots".
A nutrient depletion zone can create when there is quick soil arrangement take-up, low supplement fixation, low dissemination rate, or low soil dampness. These conditions are extremely normal; in this way, most plants depend on organisms to encourage the take-up of minerals from the dirt. Mycorrhizae, known as root fungi, frame cooperative relationship with plant roots. In these affiliations, the parasites are really incorporated into the physical structure of the root. The organisms colonize the living root tissue during dynamic plant development.
Caboceers are the native African chiefs that the European Slave traders pick to work with them.
So, the European Slave traders Gave Caboceers a great sum amount of wealth to help them acquire African Slaves. (so they don't have to get their hands dirty)
Caboceers will order the members of their tribes to capture other African people from weaker/smaller tribes and Give those captured to the European. Compared to modern day business, the role of Caboceers probably similar to the role of material supplier.
An infant's "comprehension" vocabulary develops faster than his or her "production" vocabulary.<span>
The difference between the two of them is that a comprehension vocabulary is to understand something while a production vocabulary is used to speak. </span>