a. In 1694 after his wife dies.
act 1 scene 2
Try to find a new girl and you will forget the old one
A tense is a grammatical indication of when a verb happens/ occurs. It categorizes the time, the duration, the completeness, or the continuation of any act that is done.
In grammar, there are three primary categories of tenses- past tense, present tense, and future tense. And according to what tense is used in a sentence, the time can easily be known or understood.
For example, the sentence "I went home late last night" is in the past tense as the tense form of "went" is the past tense of "go".
Similarly, "I will be going home" signifies a future tense as the sentence uses "will+be+-ing" form of the verb.
When my brother finally got back from serving overseas, my family was happy and proud.
It should be
When my brother finally got back from serving overseas (Pause) my family was happy and proud.
So yes, a comma is needed