1. Palpable - adjective
2. Impeccably - adverb
3. Deduction - noun
4. Exonerate - verb
1. Palpable - is an intense feeling that is as good as being touched. It is an adjective because it is descriptive.
2. Impeccably- Because of the -ly suffix attached to the root word, impeccable, we can deduce that the word is an adverb that tells us how impeccable or without faults a certain thing is.
3. Deduction - This is a noun because it is the name of a process. Deduction is inference or subtraction as the case may be.
4. Exonerate - This is an act of absolving a person of a fault. A verb is an action word or a doing word.
She wants to be a doctor or lawyer. were young. teaching her servant to read and write so she could communicate with her sister.
Good question. Immature because it helps with my dysphoria as a trans man because boys are typically seen as immature. But, I think you need a more inclusive answer so here’s one: “id rather be considered immature because I don’t want people my age to assume I’m lame. Usually people can get along better with someone who is immature rather than innocent because they feel they know nothing or are boring.”
"Café Olympia serves coffee from all over the world" (B) states a fact rather than an opinion.
When writing essays for school, or researching information to support your writing, it is important to be able to stay factual and avoid stating opinions (unless you are specifically asked to do it, or unless you explicitly mention that you are quoting a biased work).
These characteristics should help you identify an <u>opinion</u>:
- appreciation verbs like <em>enjoy</em>, <em>hate</em>, <em>wish</em>, <em>believe, </em>etc.
- adjectives expressing value judgement like <em>best</em>, <em>good</em>, <em>bad</em>, <em>favorite</em>, <em>disappointing</em>, <em>fascinating</em>, <em>boring</em>, etc.
- clear involvement of the narrator, for example when the subject is <em>I</em> or <em>we</em>.
Conversely, a <u>factual</u> statement usually has:
- a distanced narrator, who does not get involved
- information which can be checked, like in answer B: "coffee from all over the world."
Answer: I learned how to adapt to my environment and how change can be both good and bad.