Peter giving the cake to Anne, letting Anne talk to him whenever she needs it (808-810)
Peter admires how well Anne talks to the adults when she's mad (knows how to express her feelings) (808)
By making Mrs. Frank uncomfortable. Anne and Peter talk to each other a lot and Mrs. Frank notices it and she doesn't like how Anne goes into Peter's room and talk for long hours (813)
In the beginning of the play, Anne was like annoying to Peter. At the end of the play they both like each other and Peter cares for Anne. (740-741, 808-810. 816-821)
Philippine sea, sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean.
The Islands of Japan are so narrow that no point in the country lies more than 150 km (93 miles) from sea waters.
To the West, there is the sea of Japan, which separates Japan from the Asian mainland. To the north, lies the sea of Okhotsk, and to the south is the East China sea. All these are extensions of the Pacific ocean which lies to the east of Japan. To the far south-east lies the Philippine sea.
1. Arches were very important for building aqueducts.
2. Caesar claimed to have turned Rome into a city of marble, because his last words were: “I found Rome of clay; I leave it to you of marble.”
3. Caesar built the Roman Forum as a large complex of government and public buildings, because this is one of the most renowned ancient wonders of the world.
4. The Pantheon in Rome features a large, rounded roof or ceiling known as a dome, since a rounded ceiling is known as a dome.
By The German Radio. Back In WW2 Germans Were Forbidden To Use Radios Other Than The Ones Given To Them By Hitler. ( If They Were Caught With Outside World Radios They Were Killed) The Nazi Radio Transmitted The Laws And German Victorys And Other News
[C] People had different food and cultures
Isolation wasn't a factor of why Native Americans didn't unite but their tradition and culture. In fact many Native Americans had wars with each other. Alot of Native Americans had language barriers because they spoke differently in various dialects. This disadvantage caused great suffering for their survival as whole people who were originally there at first. The British then later converting to americans greatly divided and conquered the entire continent of the northern hemisphere, which is middle part of north America. The Young nation soonly to become the united states isolated themselves and their problems in order to create their own nation. Isolation soonly started once the United states reached from coast to coast having all in their hands to control. Manifest Destiny