The president request that congress hold an special session when the two houses can't concede to a date to meet or in a emergency circumstances.
Joe Biden is willing to help ALL Americans not just the ones who voted for him.
It’s either A or B but it depends on where. For me, lanes are divided by white lines.
The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) states that when a person is able and motivated, they are most likely to adopt the primary route to persuasion.
What is elaboration likelihood model?
According to the elaboration likelihood model, there are two ways that people can be persuaded of anything, depending on how interested they are in the subject. Persuasion takes place through the central channel when people are highly motivated and have the time to consider their options. In this case, they thoroughly assess the advantages and disadvantages of a decision.
The dual process theory known as the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion describes how attitudes change. Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo created the ELM in 1980. The model seeks to clarify various methods of processing stimuli, their uses, and the effects they have on attitude change. The center route and the periphery route are the two main paths for persuasion suggested by the ELM.
To read more about Elaboration Likelihood method,
Criminal law, Civic law, and Public law.